Create Safe Jobs and a Sustainable Economy in California
Create Safe Jobs and a Sustainable Economy in California By Promoting Green Chemistry and Safer Alternatives to Toxic Chemicals The current U.S. ...
Create Safe Jobs and a Sustainable Economy in California By Promoting Green Chemistry and Safer Alternatives to Toxic Chemicals The current U.S. ...
Paint manufacturers knew the risks of lead paint. They poisoned generations of kids anyway. Now the legislature must step in to continue to protect homeowners. ...
Assembley Bill 345 Health and Safety zones • AB 345 would require an new oil and gas development or enhancment operations to be located at least 2,500 feet from a residence, schoool, childcare, facility, playground, hospital, or health clinic • Co-Sponsored by Center on Race, Poverty, & the Environment and Vioces in Solidarity against Oil in Nieghborhoods (VISION) • AB 345 defines “enhancement operations” as operations intended to increase the hydrocarbon production of an oil and gas well. ...