
Health and Safety Zones: Away from Oil Drilling Sites

Assembley Bill 345 Health and Safety zones

• AB 345 would require an new oil and gas development or enhancment operations to be located at least 2,500 feet from a residence, schoool, childcare, facility, playground, hospital, or health clinic
• Co-Sponsored by Center on Race, Poverty, & the Environment and Vioces in Solidarity against Oil in Nieghborhoods (VISION)
• AB 345 defines “enhancement operations” as operations intended to increase the hydrocarbon production of an oil and gas well. Those enhancment operations shall include well stimulation treatments, acid well stimulation treatments, and restoring a plugged and abandonded well or idel wll into production, and shall not include repairs, or well maintenance work
• AB 345 would allow a city or couty to develop ordinances to go beyon 2,500 feet
• AB 345 would allow an operator to request in writing, informaiton, with Dept of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources for a variance to reduce the health protection one to the maximum achievable distance, and would authorize the supervisor to grant a variance if the operator has no other feasible means of accessing its legal subsurface rights, the variance myst provide as much distance between sensative receptors as achievable to not endanger public health and safety